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Episode 8. Questions for Discipline

These questions are related to ADHD; however, they prove helpful in developing a system to improve your discipline

1. Identifying Triggers

  • Internal Triggers:

    • What situations or thoughts tend to overwhelm or distract me the most?

    • Are there specific emotions (e.g., stress, frustration, boredom) that make me lose focus?

    • Do I notice any patterns in my day when I struggle to stay on task?

  • External Triggers:

    • Are there specific environments (e.g., noisy, cluttered) where I find it hard to focus?

    • What types of tasks or responsibilities do I often procrastinate on?

    • Which tools or devices (e.g., phone, social media) derail me most often?

2. Time Management and Procrastination

  • How do I currently keep track of deadlines, appointments, and tasks?

  • When I procrastinate, what thoughts or feelings are usually present?

  • What time of day do I feel most productive? Least productive?

  • How often do I underestimate how long tasks will take?

3. Emotional Regulation

  • How do I typically react to frustration, rejection, or unexpected changes?

  • What situations make me feel especially anxious or overstimulated?

  • What self-care strategies help calm me down when I’m feeling emotional?

4. Social and Relationship Challenges

  • Are there specific social situations that leave me feeling drained or irritable?

  • How often do I overcommit because I feel pressured to say "yes"?

  • What strategies help me maintain boundaries without feeling guilty?

5. Focus and Attention

  • What types of tasks do I find easy to focus on, even for long periods?

  • What types of tasks make my mind wander or feel “stuck”?

  • Are there certain physical sensations (e.g., hunger, discomfort) that distract me?

6. Impulsivity

  • When I make impulsive decisions, what feelings or situations usually precede them?

  • How do I feel after an impulsive action (e.g., spending money, interrupting)?

  • What strategies have helped me pause before acting in the past?

7. Masking and Authenticity

  • What situations make me feel like I need to hide or “mask” my ADHD traits?

  • Are there specific people or environments where I feel safe being myself?

  • How can I communicate my ADHD needs without fear of judgment?

8. Energy and Burnout

  • What tasks or habits drain me the most throughout the day?

  • Do I allow myself breaks, or do I push through until I’m exhausted?

  • What activities or routines help me recharge my energy effectively?

9. Developing Systems

  • What tools or systems (e.g., timers, planners) have worked for me in the past?

  • Do I prefer digital or physical tools for organizing tasks and managing time?

  • What’s one area where I’d like to build a consistent habit or system?

10. Celebrating Success and Progress

  • How do I usually reward myself for completing tasks or overcoming challenges?

  • Do I acknowledge small wins, or only big accomplishments?

  • How can I create a system of rewards or milestones to stay motivated?


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